DAF, Volvo and Scania N3 Rigids
Please be advised that the customer is responsible for supplying the tractor unit. Therefore, any issues related to the truck should be addressed with the manufacturer of the rigid chassis. Sayer's responsibility is limited to the tank and components that are not factory-installed by the truck's rigid manufacturer.
Refer to the information below for the appropriate contacts. Login details to bodybuilder portals are to be provided by the truck rigid manufacturer.

For rigid trucks with tanks (N3), compliance with OBD requirements for the chassis, such as emissions and engine diagnostics, is the responsibility of the base vehicle manufacturer. At Sayers Road Tankers Engineering, we ensure that our tank installations are designed and implemented to avoid any interference with the vehicle’s OBD systems, maintaining full compliance with regulatory standards (EU 2018/858 and, UK equivalent SI 2020 NO. 818).
Independent operators can access repair and maintenance information, including diagnostics and troubleshooting for the rigid truck, through the manufacturer-specific bodybuilder portals linked below.
Bodybuilder Portals
Scania: bodybuilder.scania.com
DAF: dafbbi.com
Volvo: vbi.truck.volvo.com
Sayers Road Tankers Engineering Support
Technical Assistance for Tankers and Equipment
For any technical assistance related to tanker installations and equipment, please contact:
Jonny Allinson: jonny@sayerstankers.co.uk / Mobile: 07703 739869
Stuart Newton: stuart@sayerstankers.co.uk / Mobile: 07809 903077
Spares and Parts
For spares and parts, please contact:
Nicola Mitchell: nicola@sayerstankers.co.uk / Telephone: 01677 428919
Paul Daykin: paul@sayerstankers.co.uk / Telephone: 01677 428916